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Work with Hal

Individualized Coaching for Peak Performance

Workshops, Seminars and Mini-Courses

Dynamic Public Speaking for Your Next Event

I will teach you how to focus to up your game and accomplish your goals. Having been an executive and senior manager in both corporate and non-profit settings, I teach individuals at every rung of the corporate ladder to apply their newly-acquired focusing ability directly to their work and to their company’s larger strategic objectives. As a professional musician and nine-time marathoner, I help performers and athletes quickly get the results they want.

I work one-on-one, in person and virtually, as well as offer workshops, seminars and courses in both private and corporate settings. I also accept a select number of public speaking engagements each year, drawing on my extensive experience engaging audiences as the CEO and primary spokesperson of two major organizations, and as co-host of a national radio show.

"Hal's ability to help our employees raise their game with calm and confidence in the face of stressful challenges has several times spelled the difference between a project's success or failure. He knows how to get people at all levels of our company to quickly shut out the noise, focus on the essential and make the near-impossible seem effortless."

—  William Anderson

Managing Director, Greenpoint Global

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